Are you considering homeschooling? Do you need help explaining your homeschooling decision to relatives or friends? Visit, the National Outreach of "Considering Homeschooling Ministry" a non-profit organization are sponsored by Morningstar Educational Network, a 501 (c) 3 organization for the purpose of helping Christian parents with babies, toddlers, preschoolers and with their children in secular schools to homeschool their children from a Christian worldview. They offer FREE on-line videos.
We homeschool in Ohio. Requirements vary by state and sometimes also by district, but it is legal to homeschool your child with special needs. Get in touch with your state homeschool organization, also HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Assoc.) and NATHHAN (which is the national org. for homeschoolers with special needs), . It is important to network with others who homeschool in your area; Check out Mary Pride's list of Homeschooling support groups, international,
Homeschooling with special needs is a challenge; but I often hear from friends with kids in school programs that they also suffer many difficulties. Through the grace of the Lord and the guidance of many, many faithful friends and family members, we're able to homeschool our youngest, who is medically fragile. If you want to see Susie's web page, it is at: