Christmas Gift Giving
Wondering what to get that special someone who already has everything? Here's an idea. You can make a donation in their name to , Franklin Graham's organization, and send a gift to a person in need. Your special person will receive a card, describing your gift. You get to pick from a gift catalog, and apparently you can specify any amount. A few options that caught my eye were Bibles, baby chicks, and medical care for mothers and unborn babies.
Now, let's all see how many times we can say "Merry Christmas" this week!
At 3:14 PM,
Melissa Morgan, said…
I'm thinking that the baby chicks are NOT for pets...either for eggs or for dinner. They sound terribly cute, so I think it would be fun to give them, and would help make sure the children don't go hungry.
I am sorry to hear about your rooster. I hope that your rooster died a natural death.
Hugh has a friend at work, who has chickens. One of them actually laid green eggs--no, I'm not making this up--just like in Dr. Seuss books. Then along came the racoons, who ate that green egg laying chicken. Luckily, we had blown some of the green eggs, so I have them to remember her by.
Stay warm and well! Come out and see us, if you're in the neighborhood.
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