An Eagle's Nest Homeschool and Travel Resources

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Homeschoool and Family Resources, Unit studies, Special Needs, Teens, High School, Distance Education and College Information. Post your questions at our Wise Steward's Forum. Study BEE Healthy facts, Freebies for learning at home (child through young adult), Homeschooling links and answers, frugal Travel Tips, Health Links, Debt-Free Living, Avoiding Business Opportunity Scams and Bad Home Builders , A Wise Steward's Club For Writers, Bio-ethics: Hate Crimes, Abortion and Violence In America Project, Science, Creationism and Evolutionism: Intelligent Design, Science and Evolution , Find out about Internet safety, video game and movie reviews. . Visit our Homeschool Dads and Grandpas Site. Show your Dad you appreciate him on Father’s Day and every day! Thanks for visiting!
Find detailed information on wise homeschool and family education, educational travel and stewardship in the books:
§ Educational Travel on a Shoestring : Frugal Family Fun and Learning Away from Home "Practical, frugal, witty and wise, Educational Travel On a Shoestring is one of those rare books folks will not only delight in reading but delight in using...Don't leave home without it."--George Grant, author of Just Visiting
§ Homeschooling on a Shoestring, written by Melissa L. Morgan and Judith Waite Allee . Pick up Homeschooling On a Shoestring: "This book is the most original and helpful homeschooling book I've read in years. Highly Recommended."--Mary Pride, publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine
Katie from Lexington, KY ( Reviewed on March 10, 2004 ) Product Rating: 5 out of 5 Comments: "This is a wonderful book. I picked this up at recent Home School Convention and have been reading it every chance I get. This is the kind of book that you will read through, and then refer back to many times."
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